I've really lost all interest in work now. I actually get upset when I have something to do because it cuts into my time surfing the supercyberintrawebhighway. This isn't a good way to be if you are attempting to lead a fulfilling life. On the plus side my time spent on MSN has meant I've found my sitcom writing partner! Huzzah! (I'm not sure if he's aware that I'm being 100% serious in this plan but I am. Deathly deathly serious). There is a slight flaw in that I'm too frightened to actually send him any of my work. This is impeding the actual, you know, WRITING process. However we have worked out that:
- our office will have a coffee making machine (at my request)
- our office will have a smoothie making machine (at Danny's request)
- Our lead anecdote story on Jonathan Ross's talk show will be how Danny changed his middle name by deedpoll to 'Danger'. Rossy loves that sort of shit
- Thats it
Still it's steps in the right direction.
Finally, please rate the photo (courtesy of Mr Monk) on a scale of 1 - 10 of sassiness. I give it 8. I think a pipe would make it even sassier. Although anything that braves the streets wearing a red coat and pink shoes deserves some sort of sassiness medal. I have to say it's nice to know there are people in the world with even more time on their hands than me.