Tuesday, 18 July 2006

Memories both misty and water coloured

Seven years after finishing school (JESUS CHRIST!) I was out on a Friday night watching a local band (who you should totally check out) and faced a room full of people who had been through the whole shambolic mess of the teenage educational experience with me. After politely deciding (from both sides) that acknowledgement of me would just make everyone uncomfortable I settled on quietly ripping the piss out of them all until the loudest one finally attained the right level of drunkeness to approach me with a 'You're Sarah aren't you?'. He then proceeded to kiss me on the cheek about 15 times and wished me well on my adventures through life (I'm paraphrasing). This is someone that would never even have given me the time of day when I was 15.
Lessons Learned: The secret to popularity lies in wearing a pencil skirt and a low cut top.

Thursday, 13 July 2006

You can dance, you can dance, everybody look at your pants

Firstly, I don't know how anyone couldn't cry a river over the ending of Doctor Who. Did you see it? With the sadness and the heartbreakingness? You are obviously burly manish manly men with hearts of stone and tear ducts of steal steel steele steel.
Now we have that settled...
Yay Batman flew in to say hi!
Now we have that established....
My red dog seems to really enjoy licking my left knee at the moment. My left knee hasn't been going anywhere or doing anything that the rest of me hasn't. Not without my consent anyway *looks suspiciously at left knee*

Sunday, 9 July 2006

Haiku fun

Chloe (a.k.a Soul Mate)
Chloe is so cool
Sort of like a snowman is
But not made of snow

Kieran (a.k.a 'Teh' Brother)
His sideburns are great
If you like pubes on your face
I don't think I would

'Come to car boot sale'
'There'll be Beetlejuice toys there'
But he lied. Wanker.

Dance Parties
Dance parties rock hard
Speshly if I am dancing
Because I rock hard

Doctor Who
I love Doctor Who
I want him as my boyfriend
He looks like an owl

My So Called Life

  • Watching a biography on E! channel of David Cassidy for like, the third time
  • Watching The True Hollywood Story of Charles in Charge
  • Finding out the there's a bar in Vancover called the 'Alex P. Keaton' named after the character Michael J Fox played on Family Ties
  • Watching 'The David Cassidy Story' a made-for TV movie about... well Mr Cassidy (strangely all the titles were in French but everyone spoke English and there were no subtitles. It was worth watching even if you don't like 70's heart throbs due to the all the hair-cuts-that-couldn't-possibly-be-anything-but-a-wig)
  • Crying for about half an hour at the end of Doctor Who
  • Getting invited to go to a gay bar by six men at 3:50am whilst sat alone, dishevelled and drunk by a McDonald's in Trafalger Square.

Really, anyone who gets excited by the first five things doesnt deserve the last one to happen to them. Welcome to my contradictory fuelled life.

Wednesday, 5 July 2006

I'm melting I'm melting!

This weather is melting my brain and making me delirious.
Case 1: I laughed, genuinely laughed, at something that happened in Everybody Loves Raymond today. And not even just at the brothers voice. I laughed at a joke they had written with the intention of it being funny. This goes against everything I believe in.
Case 2: In between changing CDs in my car a song came on the radio which didn't make my ears bleed so I listened along for a bit to try and work out which generic popstar was being made to sound as if they could sing in tune. And then it happened. I found out it was Paris Hilton 'Stars are Blind'.
I feel sick.

Monday, 3 July 2006

A compare and contrast exercise

My brain BEFORE I got the Ninendo DS:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

My brain AFTER I got the Nintendo DS:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Sunday, 2 July 2006

A Haiku for Lindsey Lohan

I went to see 'Just My Luck' last night. It wasn't bad, although it wasn't Lohan's greatest film (Mean Girls is still clearly her best work yet), having said that it did have McFly in it so that balanced out any quibbles I may have had with the plot and characterisation. However, it has inspired me to write a haiku which is printed for your viewing pleasure right here:

Dear Lindsey Lohan - A Haiku for You

Don't be my girlfriend

But can I lick you a bit?

That would be nice thanks

Some tips for the Modern Day Lady

  • Don't air guitar in heels. It doesn't look good. Even if you're so wasted you believe so at the time.
  • Don't order two scoops of mint choc chip ice cream in a cone and then realise you need to go to the toilet real bad. Nothing good will come of this.
  • Don't get so distracted by cute boys with scruffy beards while you're driving that you nearly run over hapless pedestrians who are on the zebra crossing.
  • Don't have your windows down whilst singing along loudly to your music when stopped at traffic lights. The guys in the car next to you will laugh and scarcastically applaud you and you will end up feeling a little foolish.
  • Don't lend your mum your new Nintendo DS. She'll become obsessed with Dr Karasaki's Brain Game thing and you'll never see it again. Even after she spent three days calling you a 'geek' every time she saw you.
You have been warned.