I know right!
Because I had thought that this was sort of euphamism, some kind of cultural knowledge that everyone else was in on ("Oh look, this way to the 'golf sale' [wink]") except me because really, why do you need to advertise golf products more than any other? Why aren't there people holding signs for things like 'SHOE LACES SALE'. (I would actually quite like that, I often bemoan the lack of neon signs directing my attention to the things I need to buy. I would love it if you could press pause, press the L and R keys down and an arrow pops up in front of you flashing 'shoe laces this way'. It would make my life a hell of a lot easier. If you are a crazy-haired inventor I would really appreciate you getting to work on this immediately, for me)
It's just that, surely if you are the sort of person that golfs then you find out where to buy these things from your golfing buddies or from the club where you a member. It's not the sort of hobby that you just randomly take up. And even if it was, how many people are tempted into it having seen a swarthy dude in a street holding a big luminous yellow sign that says 'GOLF SALE' on it?
I don't know, it just seems sort of poetic that 'GOLF SALE [arrow]' actually means 'GOLF SALE [this way]'.
And it also means that I spend far too much time being paranoid that I'm missing out on something and thinking that there's things in the world that are more complicated than they actually are. Thus my new slogan is going to be: "Sometimes 'GOLF SALE' just means 'golf sale'".
1 comment:
Thank you for this i've been asking everyone what golf sale means and they keep telling me it means a golf sale but for some reason i wouldn't believe them so thanks for this.
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