Wednesday, 28 December 2005

The most exciting thing about 2006...

... is that its only 9 years until the hoverboard is invented. Can't wait!

I've been practising hard today for the impending dance off between me, Farr and Wah on New Year's Eve. My Mick Jagger-by-way-of-Vince-Noir impersination is going ok but I'm still a little rusty on the old 'Robot from 1984' move. I'll keep everyone posted of the dance-off results but feel quietly confident that I'm in with a chance of scooping the 'Dance Champion of 2005' title. Wish me luck!

Christmas is over.. let the diets begin

Before I go any further, heres a tip for you all:
If you have to get up for work at 7.45am and want to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (I assume this tip will mostly apply to squirrels) then its best not to stay up playing Spyro the Dragon 2 on your ancient Playstation till 3am in an attempt to recapture your lost youth. If you decide to ignore this handy tip then it may (i.e. will) lead to bouts of grumpiness and irritability.
Ladysazz: Doing the nerdy things so you dont have to!

So.. I'm no closer to deciding what my resolutions should be. I quite like Emma's idea of resolving to help people with their resolutions - except people rarely want my help when they realise what a shambles my life is.

I'm considering pinching Nic's idea of resolving to 'live the dream' cos thats what it's all about isnt it? But blatent plagerism isn't really my thang unless people don't know about it. Then it's ok.

Therefore I'm veering towards something under the umbrella of 'doing the things I've always wanted to do and never done' which would include:
- go to see a play/the ballet/the opera.
Mostly so I can arrange an appropriate outfit for each occasion. Chloe espeically knows how me likes to arrange outfits (e.g. the infamous 'look' on the way to Amsterdam where I wore my 'struggling actor on the way to an audition for a part in the chorus line of Oliver' outfit, or the 'prom queen who escapes out the toilet window to go smoke and make out with her biker boyfriend Chad' outfit that I wore to Lisa's birthday party a couple years back).
- Learn to play the drums
The AWESOME drumsticks-that-make-their-own-noises that I got for Christmas have made the World's Greatest Air Drummer 2002/2003/2004/2005 (self-proclaimed) want to become the Worlds Greatest REAL LIVE DRUMSET Drummer. Could 2006 be the year that I 'light up the sky like a flame' (as Irene Cara once sang) with my drumming talents?
- Write a sitcom
Sort of been doing this since the summer but then got distracted by something shiny and forgot about it. All the plotlines and characters are walking around in my head but I think I need a writing partner (applicants can apply to the usual address with an SAE) to really get this done as I have no self-motivation
Side Note: It took me until I was 15 to realise that a SAE was a Stamped Addressed Envelope. I never entered any of the competitions on Going Live or Live and Kicking or The Broom Cupboard cos I thought there was some badge of cool known as a SAE that everyone knew about except me. I also spelt 'cheddar' as 'chedder' until I was 21.

While I mull this over I'm going to review 2005:
  • ... Idea = Starting a blog! I love it!
  • ... Band = Gah... thats a toughy.. I'll say... Maximo Park
  • ... Purchase = Geek Chic Glasses. Ones that actually fit and are sturdy and don't break! Yay.
  • ... Present = Sabrina the Teenage Witch magnet set (as courtesy of Chloe)
  • ... Gig = I havent been to as nearly many gigs as I would like to have done this year but I'll say The Kooks at Southampton Uni
  • ... Website discovered = For stalking potential (go to to see David Cassidy pics) / For new music fun
  • ... Place = San Francisco
  • ... TV Show = The Gilmore Girls (all my family are unnaturally obsessed)
  • ... Lesson Learned = If a guy isn't that bothered about you, you shouldnt bother about him. Thanks Rich!


  • ... Idea = Hmm... I don't really want to say but I will say it involved a man, lots of alcohol and then having to learn some pretty nifty avoidance techniques in the weeks after. I've said too much.
  • ... Band = Not a 'band' per se but James 'Rhymes with Blunt' wassisface made me want to shoot myself in the head. Also Black Eyed Peas for 'the song I will not name': simultaeously managing to create the most infuriatingly catchy yet unlistenable song in the world would be bad enough without putting the feminist movement back by around 30 years.
  • ... Purchase = Weighing scales. I turned into one of those weigh-before-and-after-every-meal-morning-noon-and-night types and drove myself mental. Especially as I don't think they were very accurate (well, I don't know many people that can put on a stone in a day and lose it by the following morning). Luckily, every obsession I have doesnt last for long.
  • ... Present = A gold watch. I know I shouldn't be ungrateful but a GOLD watch. I have never worn gold jewellry in MY ENTIRE LIFE nor can I read analogue time. What am I going to do with a GOLD WATCH?!
  • ... Gig = Some dreadful amater 'goth' outfit in a pub somewhere. It was that good I can neither remember the name of the band nor the place I saw them.
  • ... Place = Fareham. Also Known As 'The Dullest Place on Earth'
  • ... TV Show = Big Brother. I didn't even start watching it to be honest but from what I saw on other tv shows/heard about/was forced to discuss they were ALL horrible horrrible people. Reality TV is dead. Bring on proper TV like John Simm as a time travelling detective and the new new Doctor Who (who I think slightly - ever so slightly - resembles The Hammond. Wilt.)
  • ... Lesson Learned = Well, I don't think you can have a bad 'lesson learned' as every mistake is useful so... maybe just forget I said anything.

So what's it going to be like in 2006? Well I feel fairly confident to inform you (not being an official prophet but blessed with 'the gift') that we are all going to live in space. The space world we inhabit will have tubes that you are able travel to any part of the space kingdom through. Everyone will have a robot maid. Everyone will have a family comprising of a Dad, Mum, and two children - an eldest daughter who is obviously very slutty and a younger son who is nerdy and will probably grow up to be a homosexual. No-one in said family unit will discuss this. The Dad will work at a large factory/company probably called something like Spacely's Sprokets and will have an embarrassing misunderstanding that leads to hilarious consequences with his boss every week. The Mum will stay at home to 'look after the kids'. Everything will be done by robots and/or the touch of a button. The world in 2006 will, in many ways, resemble early-1960's America (pre-sexual revolution) including the politics and social hierachies. I know this becasue I saw it all in a dream. I may or may not have been watching The Jetsons before I had that dream but this is neither here nor there.

What I'm most excited about is that its only 9 years till the hoverboard is invented! Yay!



Best Present(s): Present = Sabrina the Teenage Witch magnet set (as courtesy of Chloe) and AN AWESOMLY AWESOMAZING PINK McFly clock. God bless Ebay.

Monday, 19 December 2005

Dont make any loud noises. Kirk is a fear biter.

Dear Lord (literally I suppose) its nearly Christmas. Went to get remaining presents last Saturday. I hate people. People in my way and not giving me the respect I so clearly deserve. DONT THEY KNOW WHO I AM? Was patronised by shop assistants in Topshop. Gah. Sorry I didnt whip out my NUS card quickly enough. Gah. Although I mysteriously ended up spending 2/3's of the bill total on things for me. Happy Christmas Me! Screw the rest of my friends and family!

My brothers was home for 3 hours 46 mins before killing the beloved sandwich toaster. It seems living in the delightful area of Moss Side in Manchester has lead to enjoying in the sort of mindless destruction that kids these days are so famous for. Now, I'm not going to dwell on this too much but just in case you want to not have a broken sandwich toaster here's some tips to ensure it stays intact:

1. Don't cut two slices of bread 1" thick a piece

2. Don't use brute force to close the sandwich toaster lid thereby breaking off the handle

They probably should print out instructions of this type onto the sandwich toaster itself. It's hard enough deciding what delicious toastie filling you want let alone remembering not to break the machine!

Now theres been a lot of heresay, nay conjecture about what my resolution will be for 2006. Lest we forget what past resolutions have yielded heres a brief overview...

2003 = Earn as many cool points as Fonzy

Result = Without checking the official 2003 records I believed I scored a total of 79 cool points which is classed as a fail as Fonzy has the ultimate perfect 100 points which can never be exceeded so even if you earn in excess of 100 points they are as useless as a burberry cap in the world of cool (as people who follow the cool points system know only too well).

For those who are interested, the stats break down as thus:

Total Number of Cool Points Earned = 721

Total Number of Cool Points Lost = 642

Most cool points earned in one go = 23 for coming up with the alias 'Cherry Datsun' of imaginary band 'The Triumphs'.

Most cool points lost in one go = 56 for laughing at a video of someone falling over on You've Been Framed.

If anyone has more questions about cool points please write a letter to your local palimentary representative. They should be able to answer any pressing queries you may have.

2004 = Attempt to 'turn' Will Young.

Result = Fail

However, probably about as achievable as resolving to get fit/lose weight/stop being an arse that most people go for.

2005 = Be classier. When in awkward social situations ask myself 'What Would Audrey [Hepburn] do?'

Result = Pass (with honours)

Well my name is 'lady' Sazz. That probably wasn't the hardest of resolutions to stick to. However, certain sub-resolutions to achieve said classiness such as 'wear matching bra and pants at all times' was a fail (who the hell was I kidding) and 'not drink to puking standards' was a general pass although there was an incident involving The Ford, 3 bottles of wine, a door and a plastic bag that I may erase from the official 2005 records.

But what will I decide for 2006? I mean there is a certain level of perfection associated with being me. It's difficult coming up with an area of myself that needs any sort of improvement. Maybe the resolution for 2006 should be to fuck myself up as much as possible in order to have something to work on for 2007? Although that seems somewhat self-defeating in many ways. Hmm... back to the drawing board! as my mama used to say. But then, she's an architect so that made sense. I dont even OWN a drawing board to go back to.

None of that last paragraph is true. Even the bit about owning a drawing board. I had one for art school, still around here somewhere.

Thursday, 15 December 2005

I was what Willis was talkin' 'bout

Nothing says 'Christmas' like a 2.5m high inflatable Sata Claus does it?
The World: Yes. Lots of things
Me: Like what? I challenge you world to find something more christmassy than a 2.5m inflatable Santa
The World: '...'

Although the only person/entity that could really settle this argument is God and/or Jesus and they've not been that chatty in the last 2000 or so years have they? Time was when it was all God smiting this and that and getting people to stop worshipping graven images. Now - not so much. Although I think if Bruce Almighty taught us nothing else it's that it aint easy being God brother. I added the 'brother' bit in myself. Although, I'm not just talking to my brother there. I'm referring to all of you. It also taught us that Jim Carrey probably thinks of himself as 'zany'. However, you could probably have learned the same thing from Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Now THAT is a great movie.

My dog smells of wotsits and has grown a beard that makes her look like a catfish. Is that normal?

Thursday, 8 December 2005

Space is like Chessington World of Adventures times 10,000!

This comment comes courtesy of one of the contestants on Channel 4's televisual show; 'Space Cadets'. Now, there's making a bold claim and there's making a bold claim. Having spent a FULL DAY at Chessington World of Adventures, aged 14, on a school trip, I think that this claim is a little too bold. Even for me.

You know The Flintstones is only partly based on fact?

Space Cadets - What a hulabaloo. At first I didn't really give a rats ass about it. Ooh... you're tricking people... thats... well... meh. But then I thought. 'I like the word hulabaloo, who's to say I won't like a show thats caused a hulabaloo?'

Then I started singing 'My Humps' by Black Eyed Peas in my head and punched myself in the face repeatedly to try and drown out the noise. It worked. For about five minutes. And now I've started singing it again... excuse me one second...

I'm back and my nose is bleeding. But thats neither here nor there.

So anyway, SPACE CADETS. Yeah... I think the reason I didn't want to watch this show was due to the fact that if I were a contestant (although I never would be. I think they advertised for 'thrill seekers', the 'thrills' I 'seek' are rarely more than three feet away from the sofa.. well maybe twenty feet - I sometimes make it as far as the toaster) I know I would be one of the munters that gets sucked in by it. This is down to two main factors:

a) I'm very gullible, and

b) I'm not very bright

However, I felt better when reading about the show as the producers said that gullible people are ususally very intelligent but just creative and imaginative. Throw in super-humanly cool and thats so totally me. I went around with an ever so slightly smug supercilious grin for about five days believing that all these years when I thought I was just a dumbass falling for all the ridiculous things people have told me that I'm ACTUALLY very intelligent and creative and imaginative. In your face teh Brother! That was until one of the contestants said this...

"Space is like Chessington World of Adventures times 10,000!"


Well, being a dumbass does have it's advantages. Mainly; people don't expect too much from you, and oftentimes speak very slowly and clearly so as to make sure you understand everything they say. I still don't listen when people tell me stuff I think is boring but it's nice to know you can ask people to repeat themselves 'cos it's not my fault, I'm just slow'.

I may be stupid but at least I'm upbeat. Most stupid people are. Well, you see them hugging each other alot. I assume that makes them upbeat?

Also.. One of the actors (the commander dude) has got a moustache! WHAT DID I TELL THEE! Moustaches are back back back.. I think they're in the Up/Hot section of Heat this week and I have it on good authority that next months edition of Vogue has a whole spread on moustaches and moustache-based accessories. Awesome.

Monday, 5 December 2005


If I had to choose between my life and making sure Joe Mangel never leaves Neighbours again... I honestly don't know what I'd do. Lets all hope for my sake that it never gets to that point. Although I can't think of any conceivable situation that would lead to that choice having to be made.

What's all this hulabaloo about NME making up their 50 greatest albums list? I don't particularly care but I do like using the word hulabaloo and havent had the oppotunity to do so for a while.

Sunday, 4 December 2005


This week my favourite moustache belongs to... Chris from the band the We Are Scientists.

Congratulations Chris! A lovely giftbasket of fruit will be sent to your home courstey of Marks and Spencer and delivered to your door by the ever reliable UPS. Its an astounding victory for moustaches everywhere.

Really though.. when did moustaches become fashionable again? Not that I'm complaining.. it's like the world is over-run by men paying homage to Magnum P.I. which can only be a good thing. Obviously. The question I think we should all be asking ourselves is:

Is it going to be like the Pokemon craze for twenty-somethings?

If so, thats awesome.

'Theres no point trimming the borders when there's no-one to tend to my flower garden' Wah-de-Wah (2005)

Its been too long. Much too long. How I have missed the peach and white and yellow and greens backdrop. How I have yearned for yattering on about nothing in particular to a bunch of strangers. I think its slightly worrying that I've missed my blog but I've been traversing the country. Yes Sazz Land went on tour! Field and fountain, moor and mountain following yonder star, taking in the sights and sounds of places as diverse as WEYBRIDGE ... and... BRIGHTON ... and MANCHESTER ..and... well that was it actually.

I am pleased to report that Weybridge is pigeon-free, the pigeons in Brighton kept themselves to themselves but the ones in Manchester! They attacked me approx. seventy-eight times (I counted - give or take). Evil pigeons with their grey feathers and pecky beaks and cold dead eyes. *shivers* Now I have to weigh up the pigeonosity of Manchester against the burly-scruffy-beardedness of the men. Its a tough one.

New catchphrase = 'have a day off!'. That has taken over 'you're having a tin bath aint ya?!' I love collecting new catchphrases. If any of my many, many readers have catchphrases they'd like to share (Nic) then feel free. My brother didn't dissappoint when in Manchester sticking to his ol faithful 'your mum' jokes.

I have a MySpace. I know, I know... how emo can one person get and still retain a shread of dignity? Well its a fine line I'm walking here but I think I'm JUST managing to stay on the side of righteousness.

Sunday, 20 November 2005

Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search". WTF?! WHO doesn't already know that Google? Jeez!

The trouble with Children In Need - and any of these telethons - is that you have to sit through literally HOURS of literal shit to get to the stuff that holds any interest (for instance, Doctor Who specials and whatnot). Then, cos you have an extremely short attention span for people saying 'give me money' yaddayaddayadda 'Mosely Bridge Players raised £13.28' blah blah blah, you lose the will to carry on watching and give up during minute 6 of the show opening. Even with the Woganator presenting.

Now, I know it's all very worthy, etc, and so on, but JEEZ - can't they put all the bits people want to see on BBC1 and then have all the boring stoufe on one of the digital channels? Theres a BAZILLION different channels now. In fact the bizarro world-Me would love to watch Mary talking about how hard her life is and wacky Tim talking about how he raised £37.56 playing badmington in a Pudsey suit for 12 days straight while drinking sparkling mineral water, eating celery and gazing at her singed photo of Chris Moyles. Ahh Bizarro World Me - you are crazy!

I guess all I'm saying is: I don't like boring things. Is that so wrong? Don't answer that. It was rhetorical which in layman's terms means: I don't care what you think. Anyhoo, I was quite pleased with myself this week. My supervisor was off sick so I had to be all grown up and handle things ON MY OWN and managed to resist the very powerful urge to spend my days curled up on the floor in a little ball rocking gently backward and forward and laughing quietly, but manically, to myself when the pressure got too much. This, for me, is the sort of thing I call an achievement. My other main work-based achievement was to persuade my boss to start calling me 'Bunny' (as in the infamous 'Bunny Diamond P.I). We decided that, although someone with the nickname Bunny is unlikely to be taken seriously as a high-powered young go-getter; on the flip side you could never, in good conscience, yell at someone called Bunny so if anything goes wrong I'll be put in front of the firing line in the hope I'm too darn cute to get in trouble. Actually.. on second thoughts... I'm not sure if I'm getting the best deal out of this.

I love the new Old El Paso adverts. Have you seen them. The twunty dude is cooking for his girlfriends family and in each instance *sniggers*... he makes a right ol' cock of himself!! But everyone's happy cos he's cooked!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! *wipes tear* *thinks about the adverts again* BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *makes little 'winding down after laughing loads' sigh*. *sniffs*. *feels embarrassed*.

I honestly do find them funny. Thats the worst thing. Whenever I hear a (admittedly vaguely racist) Mexican impersonation I can't help cracking up. It's just like all those Orange adverts at the cinema about, you know, turning off your mobiles so as not to ruin the film while at the same time advertising the latest and greatest deals from a phone company (DO YOU SEE ALANIS MORRISETTE?!?!?! THATS IRONY!!! NOT SHITE ABOUT TOO MANY SPOONS AND NO KNIFES!! Actually is it? Hang on... Irony is where the actual reality is opposite from the literal reality. I don't think that is irony. Never mind. Irony is confusing.) and you sort of know its wrong to find it funny but you can't help smirking anyway and then someone genuinely DOES laugh and you hate them because they've obviously got a rubbish sense of humour? Yeah, well, thats never happened to me! Hell no. But I've heard about it happening to a friend of a friend and.. yes.. well... *cough*

Ooh Don't Look Now is on. Donald's got a cracking moustache in this. What other films can I watch with moustaches (barring 70's porn)? I would quite like to throw a snazzy moustache-themed movie night. This may turn out to be an obsession to rival my Lindsey Lohan crush and my Joe Mangel worship. Only time will tell.

Tuesday, 15 November 2005

Note to self, RE: Being the Fonz. Mark - You are NOT the Fonz

So, moustaches appear to be back in fashion. When did that happen? I must have missed that memo - I'm sure I would have remembered something like that as I would have gotten together a little parade of some sort or at least punched the air and yelled 'Yes!' as a character from an American advertisment for Ritallin might.

It's like the world is full of variously different shaped Magnum P.I's. Which can only be a good thing. The Selleck was probably one of my first genuine crushes. I'm sure every 8-year-old girl has had a love affair with a moustachioed rebel who wears Hawaiian shirts and likes to annoy English man-servents. Actually, if they did then those 'moustachioed rebels' would be in prison but you know what I mean. I hope.

Of course my fictious alias Bunny Diamond P.I. had a, well... some may say flirtatious relationship with 'The Magnum'. They were in fierce competition but, as many of you will know, there's a fine line between love and hate. She couldn't resist his car, he couldn't resist her high-waisted flared trousers. Of course this never happened in anywhere except my head. My head rocks - cheaper than a tv and with slightly better sound quality. Yay head!

I've updated my picture - I had to as I was starting to get a rep as the 'wacky hat' girl. Now... I did have a hat theory which i guess is now 'hat fact' about how if I started wearing an interesting hat people would start to know me as 'the girl who wears that weird hat' and then I would be famous throughout the land.The theory doesn't just apply to hats tho - oh no! Examples of people who are known for their odd characteristics in my town include: the woman with the awful curly fake blond hair that works in t'local shopping centre, or the white guy with the afro who is always at gigs, or the 'flip-flop gang' who always wear flip-flops no matter what the weather. The theory states that you will become more famous and popular and that it saves time on developing an actual personality. Why not try it yourself as Neil Buchanan might say. He's the one out of Art Attack innit?

Wednesday, 2 November 2005

I want to marry Jon Stewart

I had all of four trick or treaters. The first ding dong got me all in a tizzy as I happened to be rocking the 'bag-lady-chic' look as it was washday. When I say 'washday' I mean I had no clean clothes - water and Persil didn't really enter the equation to be honest.

I made the classic 'who could it be at this time of night?!' sigh, complete with raised eyebrow and tutting sounds. After a brief panic over my attire and unkempt hair giving the impression that I am a crazy I tentatively opened the door to what appeared to be a seven year old child in a completely black, faceless outfit (although, it could have been one of them sneaky oompa-loompa's *shivers with fear*).
Children that age frighten me anyway due to the fact that they always seem to have sticky jam hands. I never remember eating that much jam as a child so why do kids today always have jam hands? Maybe I should write a letter to the government:

'Dear Tone
I like salty food. Especially anchovies which sometimes I eat straight out of tin - Fry from Futurama style - as I love them so much. Actually I might go have some now I've made myself hungry... hang on a tick....
I'm back. Anyway, stop having a go about the salt in my diet! Jesus.
Also.. while I'm here, why do kids today always have sticky jam hands? Maybe a advertisement campaign to stamp that out would be a better way of spending my hard earned tax pounds? Just a suggestion.
Lots of love AND kisses OMGZ!!!!!one!!!eleven!!!
Your pal

And if I write it in green crayon (so that it stands out, obviously) - how can he fail to take that seriously?
Anyway, add the jammy hands to a faceless figure and it really did creep me out. Although, not as much as pigeons do.

Shortly after, a group of three teenagers - two wearing bin bags and one holding a bit of tree in front of his face arrived at the door. I asked what inspired their outfits but they just laughed. I assume this meant 'we are dressed as a bunch of twats on drugs at a festival might be'. That was the general impression they were giving off and I'm quite fluent in teenager anyway having spent a year working at a secondary school. I then commented on the fact that it must have taken them ages to get ready. 'No I found this by the road' said tree boy. Sigh. I thought teens only communicated via sarcasm?

My dog hates me. She doesn't like that my room has no carpet so obviously I must be punished. This punishment is mostly taking the form of doleful looks but I assume she's just biding her time before unleashing her wrath fully. She unleashed a little wrath by puking up her dinner last night. I don't do well with sick. She knows this. This means war.

To recap:
I hate children's jam hands, oompa-loompas, Tony Blair trying to make me cut down on salt, pigeons (this may have been established in a previous post), teenagers who have no concept of sarcasm, my dog's wrath.
Ahh hate and unfounded fear - where would I be without you?

Sunday, 30 October 2005

Madge - what ARE you wearing?

Let me take through the last week of my life as we take a trip to a lil place I like to call 'Sazzletown'

Monday - Worked. Ate. Showered. Slept.

Tuesday - Got stuck in traffic queue for 2 & 1/2 hours. Late for meeting with uni tutor. Had meeting with uni tutor. Worked. Managed to do the equivalent of breaking Google. Ate. Slept.

Wednesday - Showered. Worked. Ate. Slept.

Thursday - Ate. Worked. Straightened hair. Went to a number of pubs (that number totalling three) with friends I hadn't seen in ages. A gaggle of 'bleeding' students invaded second pub in fancy dress (side note: My fav was The Killer Tomato). Was told by a man with bleached blonde hair to pat his mates arse as it was 'firm'. I thanked him for the tip. Accosted two minutes later by a drunk French man, possibly called Piere. He didn't understand the phrase 'party animal', so I decided the culture gap was too wide. Went on to club where my friends didn't really understand my ironic dancing. Had the following exchange with a Spencer-Moon-a-like:
Spencer: What's your name? I was talking to you earlier.
Me: Sarah. I remember you walked off in a bit of a huff.
Spencer: I wasn't in a huff. I was getting a drink.
Me: Oh (note the witty repartee)
Spencer [holds out his hands. I proceed to give him '10'. Spencer then grabs my hands]: Look 'Sarah' I like you. I like your hair and your clothes
Me: Excellent, well thats in the bag. We've got that sorted. My hair and clothes thank you. You're a bit snazzy yourself
Spencer: Well, I'm not. I'm not indie like you I'm a bit 'wheyy'
Me: Oh.
And yet, despite my killer lines, nothing happened with Mr Moon. Shocking. Went home. Tried to sleep but couldn't as had 'Girls on Film' by Duran Duran in head. Eventually slept.

Friday - Had the busiest, most stressful day working ever (including Record Shop duties over the Christmas period). At the last minute the schedule I'd been coordinating since 10am was cancelled. Got slightly hysterical. Went to mates house. Watched Most Haunted Live. Decided once and for all that Derek Acorah is shit. Drove home with IBYLGOTD by Arctic Monkeys playing really loud and was so busy drive-dancing that I nearly ran over a cat. Slept.

Saturday - Shopped. Ate. Watched The Breakfast Club. Read The Guardian, Heat, and NME. Got a bit tarted up. Went to pub. Decided with Kes on the best bands in the world ever (though the actual bands we decided on elude me now). Went home. Made popcorn. Watched Fight Club. Slept. Dreamt about gay university lecturer that I have a crush on. We were on holiday in Slovakia.

Sunday - Bought some mittens. Ate. Typed up week I'd had in list type fashion on laptop.

And people criticise blogs for being self-indulgent, boring, crappy pap. Ha!

Monday, 24 October 2005

I think I love McFly. Seriously.

Well I haven't posted in a while.. I expect all my hundreds, well, dozens... well, one fan have missed me! (Or not...)

I spent a lost weekend in Birmingham last week. It was awesome. Drank too much, made some drunken revelations that I probably should have kept quiet about. Went to a place called 'Moseley Dance Centre'. It seemed to be an old school hall and had plastic chairs lining the walls with a picnic table at the back selling cheap cans of Red Stripe - a lager that I'm fairly sure its also quite suitable as a drain unblocker. What I enjoyed more than the drain unblocking drink on sale was the eclectic clientele. Well-dressed 60-something year old Jamaican men dancing next to chav-ish types in football shirts stood next to grungers in Led Zeppelin tee's who were chatting up 16-year-olds in Lycra mini skirts. It was great. And once again I pulled off some pretty snazzy ironic dance moves. I also have added 'the running man' to my repertoire.

I then went on an epic Mordor style adventure to IKEA. Yes. IKEA. The nearest one to me is in Croydon which only took an hour to get to, however once in Croydon it took a further hour to reach said IKEA store. Me and road signs don't get on. I'm fairly sure they're controlled by the pigeons (who I have a long running feud with). Still, it was worth it... got a red cord chair (mmm cord) and various other cheap nicknack's. However, the one bit they missed in LOTR is the epic journey BACK home (well Mr Tolkein might have included it, if its somewhere near the back I probably got distracted. I have a very short attention span being part of the 'MTV generation' n all).

Wednesday, 5 October 2005

What's wrong with a bit of destruction?

It was my birthday! Yay! And in a surprising turn of events it didn't completely suck! Yay!

Let me take a moment to explain what normally happens on my birthdays - I end up completely miserable.

This is normally something to do with boys and boys being rubbish. But THIS birthday was... fun! Ending up in a cheesy club lacking in chavs and posers that played predictable dancefloor indie hits - yay! Seeing a man in a black polo neck and a medallion - yay! Falling in love with a boy in a red jumper with pointy white shoes, but who was too drunk for conversation or anything else for that matter - boo! Doing my Mick Jagger impression and the robot on the squishy dancefloor - yay!

Which gives an overall total of 3 yay's to one boo. That has to be a record.

Oh and a special shout out to the man who said 'bye titty lady!' as I started walking home. I'm not quite sure what he thought this comment was going to do as I had already spurned his advances earlier in the night. Maybe it was observational comedy? Yes, I am a 'lady' and yes I have 'breasts'. Why sir, you could be the next Jerry Seinfeld! To any boys who think that that might work as a desperate pulling attempt at the end of the night... don't. Just... don't. Well it might work - but probably not on anyone that you would want to admit to pulling the morning after.

Today I got the biggest laughs in my creative writing class for my short story - it was about a dead hamster. Sick bastards.

Friday, 30 September 2005

Drunkard Ramblings

Argh! Its my birthday on Sunday. I am drunk now. I feel a bit 'under the weather'. Uh-oh. I hate birthdays. I'm going to be 23 but I feel at least four years younger than that in my head. It's getting less and less acceptable to be as immature and goon-ish as I clearly am. Dagnamit.
Still I guess it's time to make a list of things to do in the coming year:
  • Stop using the word 'coolio' when texting and talking to people on MSN
  • Snog the drummer from the Arctic Monkeys. If only because he does this cute little wink to camera in the 'I bet you look good on the dancefloor' video.
  • Make fun of people's dumbass trendy haircuts to their faces. Not just behind their backs. Otherwise its just mean.
  • Finish writing my sitcom. Rock.
  • Do kareoke. Possibly something by the ledge that is Dolly Parton.
  • Go back to Berlin and attend a party by a cutting edge artist and have the thought at some point 'I wish I was in Portsmouth. It's boring here'
  • Have a guy (or girl) tell me what a fabulous dancer I am

You'll have to check back here in one year to see if I've achieved all (or any) of these resolutions.

Here is the best present I have received so far... A new tattoo. Awesome:

Wednesday, 28 September 2005

My friend The General

The General is a legend. He lives by his own rules. He don't take no shit from no one. And even if he does (take shit from someone) then he will make sure they get a sound verbal bashing when they are out of earshot. The General brews tea for FOUR MINUTES NO MORE NO LESS and expects you to do the same or there will be hell to pay. The General is hairy. The General is uber sark-ey and can be quite humourous on occasion. The General tried to mute me with a tv remote on more than one occasion EVEN THO HE IS JUST AS ANNOYING AS ME. Well nearly. The General moved to Oz. Sazz misses him. Sob.

Is that alright for ya?!

I did mention you but it was when you were living with us n that was like a year ago now. You're coming back for my birthday though right?? RIGHT?!?! Because you promised you would. I will be very upset if you don't turn up. It's only in a week. AND we can FINALLY go on our date. Awesome.


To the rest of the world (By which I mean Nic). Hello! I don't think I will be getting a tattoo... Not Fonzy nor Jonathan Ross. Maybe John Nettles tho... hmmm...

I want to chase a cat for 20 minutes. I might buy myself a cat. Just so I have one to chase. That's going on the to-do list.

Tuesday, 27 September 2005

Dempsey and Makepeace are OUT

Tatt looks good don't it?
What do mean?? OF COURSE it's real!!!one!!!!!eleven!!!1!

Thursday, 22 September 2005

Jonny Wow

I started a creative writing course yesterday. I had been really looking forward to it but all of a sudden I can't actually write a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g. It's taken me a good 10 minutes to cobble together the last two sentences, it's like I've suddenly got stage fright - except in this instance I guess it would be page fright. I hope when my dressmaking course starts next monday I don't get scared of wearing clothes. I think the police (and society in general) would probably have something to say about it. And not of all of it good.

My 'assignment' for next week's class is to fill up a side of A4 about anything we want. So far I've written three sentences about Mcfly's haircuts and then drew a picture of a dog with an afro and sunglasses. I'm fairly sure this isn't quite what the lecturer had in mind. I may well have to start again.

I've not been doing a very good job with the whole 'making it be autumn' hobby either. I can only seem to manage a cold morning or a drizzly afternoon here and there. This is another past time that is a lot harder than I thought. Although I do seem to have conjoured up a gazillion spiders.. I convieniently forgot about the downsides to the cooler weather.

Oh, I nearly forgot! I've been told I have to get a tattoo... I'm thinking one that says 'Dempsey and Makepeace'. That'd be a Fonzy level of cool.

Thursday, 15 September 2005

Winslow's invitation is in the mail

I've *actually* been busy at work!! Busy at work DOING WORK!!! I know, I was as surprised as anyone but thats why I haven't been able to regale the world with my tales of goon-dom for the past few days.

I'm also starting to get concerned that people actually read this. I've had a couple of real-life people that I know in my real life tell me that they've read this now and their tone was only slightly mocking when they mentioned it. Which is fine except... people ACTUALLY READ THIS. PEOPLE THAT I KNOW! So... I'm starting to feel slightly self-conscious about the whole enterprise of blogging.

I guess anyone that knows me - if only in passing - knows that I'm a bit of a idiot. It's all part of my quirky charm.

Well, I think I've been drunk most of today. It was 'The Brother's' birthday yesterday and Sazz might have gone a little overboard where the vino rouge was concerned...

I'm fairly sure that a hangover is hitting me only now, although for the major part of the day I've felt like I'm leaning ever so slightly to the left, almost to the point of toppling over. Even when I'm sat down. It's disconcerting to say the least.

I don't think I'm a drunkard and yet life keeps giving clues that would indicate otherwise.

Thursday, 8 September 2005

Badte Macu

I genuinely hadn't realised that I had started mentioning you in every post Nic. Definately won't be doing that today, people might start to feel excluded. Oh.. wait, d'oh! Never mind, like you say we're the only ones that regularly occupy this area of the superhighway-intraweb. I don't think it'll matter too much.

Like the rest of the world I went to see an Elvis 'Tribute Act' last night. I'm not sure what The King would have thought but there were two costume changes, ending with a fabulous white jumpsuit, so it was a-ok by my standards.

At said tribute night my mate mentioned that she had asked the dream-iverse who she was going to marry before going to sleep the night before and dreamt about the legend that is Steve Guttenberg. As long as Tom Selleck, the cool noises guy and the weird squeechy(ITS A WORD)-voice man from Police Academy are at the wedding then it gets my blessing. Ahh... Police Academy, does earth boast a finer series of comedy films? I seriously think not. Anyway, I tried the same technique last night and dreamt that my dogs scared away some panthers (because panthers are a type of cat and dogs frighten cats you see). Not quite sure what this means but it was pretty cool.

Hmm..what gripes can I entertain the world with today? (*cough* yes the world definately reads this *cough cough*)
  • Caffine addiction reaching new levels day-by-day (may have something to do with what at first sight was one of my genius work skiving plans). However, my hair has never looked better. I believe these two variables may be linked somehow.
  • Hair looking good of course 'cept the white hairs that are getting more and more frequent. I'm going to start looking like Steve Martin soon. If that leads to movie making with Queen Latifa then bring it on.
  • Getting a bit worried about my birthday that's coming up. Not only do I ALWAYS have a crapola birthday but I feel like I should make some attempt to be more mature with each passing year and yet I still end up buying Japanese cartoon stationary for work and screeching with joy whenever 5ive songs are played in the pub. I may have to accept that 'classiness' is a personality trait that will always allude me.
  • Sad that my brother is moving to Manchester. Who is going to make Vin Diesel knock-knock jokes with me now? AND I'm going to have to start making my own dinner again! I will genuinely miss the hairy scamp.

Wednesday, 7 September 2005

Quiffs at the ready

So, my hobby lately has been trying to use up all the end bits left in old toiletries. You know what its like, you're getting to the end of a bottle of and so you go and buy something new and exciting because said new toiletry promises to turn you into a cross between Liv Tyler and Lindsey Lohan and smell all mango&papaya-ey and the old toiletry only promises to make you look Liv Tyler-ish and smell just of boring ol' mango (for instance).

So, anyway, you're so excited that you start on the new stuff WITHOUT USING UP THE OLD STUFF FIRST. Before long, this leads you to acquire an impressive collection of half used toiletries.This could be due, in part, to a flighty disposition within the user.

So far I have used up the odds and ends of:
  • 2 x different moisturisers
  • 4 x types of shampoo
  • 3 x Conditioners from different brands
  • 1 x Body Scrub
  • 2 x Lime Shower Gels

Not bad going huh? It says something for the excitement levels in my life presently that when I get to the end of these various lotions and potions, and can legitimately throw them away, I get an emormous sense of well being.

This morning I listened to Moylsie as Nic had commented that he was surprised to find that Radio 1 even existed anymore. Suffice to say I will be sticking with the Wogan on for the time being. Chris Moyles makes me angry and, much like Bruce Banner, you won't like me when I'm angry.

What else, what else can I ramble on about to make you all jealous with my fun-filled rollercoaster ride of a life? Oh... I still haven't taken up knitting and I still havent made it be autumn. Watch this space.

Monday, 5 September 2005

Why did we have to meet on the night I lost my head?

I have a work nemesis. I enjoy having a new nemesis as much as I enjoy a new crush but as he is a work nemesis I cannot take my usual course of action which involves many rigorous bitching sessions behind his back and throwing 'evils' whenever said nemesis is in my vicinity as I have to rely on him to be on my good side. Having the power to turn him into a goat would come in useful right about now, unfortunately as I dont posess Sabrina-type-magicks that probably won't be happening. Any other bright ideas?

I have also managed to bash my shoulder up good and proper after a drunken rampage through The 'Ford on Friday. I'm quite surprised I wasn't left concused as I attempted to open a door but my head and shoulder mysteriously got in the way. It was a big enough bosh to knock my glasses off. I thought things like that only happened in cartoons?

Things on my checklist for this week:
  • Learn how to knit
  • Make it be autumn
Oh and I was as surprised as you Nic to have 2 (well technically THREE now) comments for a post! Chances of that happening again? Slim to none.

Wednesday, 31 August 2005

It's always better on holiday

Err.. yeah... sorry Nic, I could pretend that I am some amazing philosopher making a point on life with an existential/nihilist double whammy statement but that would be lies. All lies. Just looks like the text I pasted in didn't save. Ho-hum. I was impressed the amount of work you put in to discover what the 'Rock Cabana' reference was about but, in truth, it is the name of a man whose ID I had to revoke yesterday. I thought it was possibly the coolest name ON THE PLANET. Who would have thought that a kid given the name 'Rock' would grow up to be a middle manager in Ohio? Or maybe the professional wrestler decided that the career change to actor wasn't working out so got an Office Drone job instead? I don't think The Scorpion King did very well at the box office so I feel fairly confident that this is indeed the case.

I've found another way of procrastinating, writing post-it's that are essentially nonsense and posting them around people's desks so they'll think they've forgotten something very important. For example,

'Call NA 29th aug confirm meeting'

'Get JN arrange "discussion of tasks" by 30th aug. V Imp!!!'

I have to be careful not to let anyone see that it's me doing it but my plan is to say it's part of an integrated art installation if anyone does cotton on. I'm such a freakin legend. All this 'finding-ways-to-skive-work' lark is leaving very little time to actually DO some work. But it's too late to change my work ethic now. Unless anyone has a DeLorean to hand?

Tuesday, 30 August 2005

Rock Cabana

Friday, 26 August 2005

Annual Ladysazz Awards

I literally can't get enough of the Maximo Park album. I keep getting funny looks when I'm stopped at traffic lights (in my car, I don't just hang around traffic lights looking for high-jinx or anything) for looking like an extra out Wayne's World (except with more mad dancing skills and a lower headbanging quotient).

Now I've got that out of the way its time for the awards... Cue the lights, music and drum roll please....

For Services to the LadySazz Blog 2005 the winner is.....

For Services to the English Language 2005 the winner is.....

and finally for Services to Helping Keep the Word of Sabrinia the Teenage Witch out on the Streets........ the winner is....*holds breath*........


Wow congrats to Nic Monk there. He's done the unthinkable and only gone and got the bloody treble! Well done! Those trophies are coverted in Lady Sazz Land so be sure to look after them. I actually made them myself. I bet you're all wondering why on earth I dropped out of art school and threw all that talent away to do Psychology.
Its shocking isn't it?
The World: No.
Me: Oh.

Tuesday, 23 August 2005

Gene Kelly weeps

So I've been working, going to a couple of gigs, working, sleeping occasionally, going to work with a hangover and um... writing a sit-com. I had forgotten how much fun it is to go to work hungover. Though people in the office tend to get a bit suspicious if you refuse to take off your sunglasses inside the building. This is one of the useful things I have discovered so far through working here. Another useful thing being that if you walk all the way to the canteen for a cup of tea rather than the vending machine you get to waste at least 44 minutes (in total: 3 mins to walk there, 5 minutes to wait for tea to be made, 3 mins to walk back times-ed by 4) off your day. And... um... well that's it so far but I have only been here three weeks, I have this job for another year so there's still time to pick up more scintillating tips to improve the quality of my life.

I've also got a crush on the new barman of our local. I have already managed to embarrass myself at least a dozen times despite only seeing him for the first time the other night. I can't remember how or why I've managed to embarrass myself. I just know that its happened, call it a sixth sense. The last time I have woken up with a similar vauge sense of dread was after a debauched night I had 'enjoyed' on the last day of my second-year exams. I went on to have flashbacks that suggested I had invited two men back to my house and performed a tap (thats TAP, not a typo of lap) dance for them. It may be a while before I venture back into t'local. Someday I'm going to meet a man who finds my goonishness charming rather than just goonish. But probably not any time soon.

Saturday, 13 August 2005

Who loves orange soda?

People at my new job scare me. Well, everyone who is my age-ish scares me. All the boys have the same hair, its kind of sticky uppy bordering on mullet-y. Some have highlights. This sort of thing scares me. All the girls look like they have been rooting around in Oxfam after Sienna Miller has dropped off a bag of her cast offs. This sort of thing scares me.

I know I sound like a total snob but its not what they all look like or choose to wear, it's that they have chosen to copy each other. I tend to freak out when I feel like I'm in a remake of Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (but then, I also get scared when I see gaggles of geese strutting around the place. I may not be the best judge of when it is, or is not, appropriate to be scared). Let's just say that I don't think my new job will be the place to find a delightful young man who reads books (as opposed to FHM or Nuts), listens to The Smiths and enjoys witty repartee. It's just a hunch.

In other news, my brother's mate is staying with us before he emigrates to Australia next month. He's a nice enough lad but he's already tried to use the tv remote to mute me. Why does everyone that stays in my house for more than a week attempt to use a tv remote to mute me?! I thought that people liked incessent chatter? Oh they don't? That would explain a LOT...

And finally, here's proof if further proof were needed of how cool I really am:
1. I went to see Herbie: Fully Loaded this afternoon. By myself. I was surrounded by 13-year-olds but my girl crush on Lidsey Lohan is too strong to ignore. Plus it had that geeky kid from Jeepers Creepers and Dodgeball. I love geeky boys.
2. I am doing an online murder mystery game based around a fake pop star's death. Yes really. Here's the link... Don't worry. It has been pointed out to me that I am one step away from becoming the sort of individual that plays Dungeons and Dragons. That would be one step too far even for me. No offence anyone but... well, really.

Sunday, 7 August 2005

The biggest loser

Last day of freedom before the reality of the working world hits me. How am I going to cram in eight hours of tv a day now?! It's going to be hard but I believe in myself enough to trust that I can achieve it.

Off to the pub quiz later on. I have a whole £5.37 to spend, who knows what japes I'll get up to with that sort of cash to flash around.

Saturday, 6 August 2005


My wardrobe is so schizophrenic. For instance, today I am dressed in skater shorts, a mickey mouse tee-shirt and a hoodie (no trips to Bluewater Shopping Centre for me then) but I'm just as likely to wear a cocktail dress and heels to go shopping in Sainsbury’s. Sometimes I love my eclecticism and other times I loathe it. Most people seem to find a look that works for them and stick with it (whether it suits them or not) whereas I am always portraying a different character. All the times I have attempted to hone my wardrobe into one coherent whole, as opposed to a fractured mess of colours, patterns and styles, I have got bored with being the same and gone off in a totally different direction a couple of weeks later. Although, the same principle applies to pretty much everything I do, have done, and indeed am ever likely to do.

In other news, Luke and Lorelai are making some progress in their drawn out courtship on the Gilmore Girls. When you're more involved in tv relationships than your own love life it could be construed as time to start going out a bit more. Sadly I have no money to do such things, happily I start my new job as an office drone on Monday. Of course there are pro's and cons to this turn of development:

PRO - Having money

CON - Being an office drone.


Thursday, 4 August 2005

You can always go downtown

So I'm back. I'm still a bit 'wacked out' from jet lag. I have spent the last 24 hours asleep with brief interuptions of waking dreams/hallucinations which has been at least three bags of fun.

I'll give you all a few excerpts from my journal but I'll try not to bore you all silly. I'm well aware that travellin' folks tend to write stuff like 'and then I went here, and then I did this and then I met him' which I'm sure was very interesting for the person who did those things at the time but for everyone that wasn't there is intensly boring. On a similar theme I saw someone videoing their family coming down the escaltors at Universal Studios. Who on god's green earth will want to watch that in years to come? What if aliens land and they find that piece of video tape? There'll be no chance of them sticking around to impart any great wisdom they may have to give us. 'what a BORING bunch of creatures, let's go to alpha centurion and do some alien type things'. It could happen. (It won't).

Plane Ride
1. Best thing about plane ride to San Francisco:
Getting to watch 2 episodes of Top Gear featuring the lovely Richard Hammond.

2. Worst thing about plane ride to San Francisco:
My hair going stat-o-matic. It seems that altititude + recyclyed air + naturally frizzy hair = trouble.

San Fran
1. First Impressions of San Francisco:
Sunny but nippy. Very colourful buildings. Not as many hippy's as I had hoped for. The hotel is decorated in a very cool art deco kinda way with lots of prints of 20's paintings. Food portions are HUGE, I had a taco salad at IHOP and ate like a 1/4 of it. It was the size of a new born baby.

2. May have spotted Dave Eggers may have been just a man:
I only know him from the little photo he has in his books and his old Guardian column. It would have been cool if it was him, but it probably wasn't.

3. Muir Woods which has lots of Redwoods:
A park ranger said 'the trees are both male and female which fits in with the lifestyle of the bay area'. Funny if a little bigoted? Can't decide.

4. Rufus Wainwright quotes are on Starbucks cups:
And I got called 'Sir' by one of the Starbucks counter ladies.

5. 'Splashy' Sea Lions:
Pier 39 in San Fran is where all the rocking sea lions hang out. They are fat and grunmpy and hugable. I had a favourite that was sat on her own and when the others started barking she told them all to shut up and they did. I think that's what she was saying. My sea-lionese is a little rusty.

6. San Francisico City Tour:
The tour guide said that in the Wild West they didn't have any doctors. I think he may well be forgetting one important person - Dr Quinn: Medicine Woman.

7. Akuna Matata:
Waiting for the F-line tram after an evening in 'downtown' San Fran a car full of young men pulled up next to where we were standing while the traffic lights were red. Windows down, stereo blasting. What were they listening to I hear you ask? Why, isn't that obvious? It was Akuna Matata, the Timon and Pumba song from The Lion King. Yes, of course they were singing along loudly. It'd have been weird if they weren't.

8. Crooked Street:
Nearly died climbing the two blocks to get there (which have been kindly engineered to be at a 45o angle. Stupid hills). Still it was worth it to see the place where fabulous films such as 'What's up Doc?' (a classic movie of the screwball comedy genre featuring Barbara Streisand and Ryan O'Neal) and 'The Princess Diaries' (a classic movie of the teen 'comedy' genre featuring Anne Hathaway and Mary Poppins) have been filmed. I'm only half joking about this been exciting for me.

9. Yosemite National Park:
It was well worth the year and half that it took getting there (that may be a slight exaggeration). It was truely astounding, it kicks the Lake District's ass. I didn't get to see any brown bears but I did see lots of hairy rugged men which is even better as far as I'm concerned.

10. Bay Cruise:
Went under the Golden Gate bridge just as a seagull started to hover over my head. Anyone who knows me is well aware of my fear of pigeons. Times that by ten for seagulls. Damn seagulls. Saw 'The Rock' though. By that I mean Alcatraz, not the ex-wrestler who did a song with Wyclef.

Los Angeles
1. Hollywood:
It felt amazing just being there and seeing where all the movies are made but it wasn't at all glamorous. If anything it was a bit mingey really. I wouldn't make a special trip to go back there but it was cool just saying you've done it.

2. Sister Act:
Our hotel is just up the road from where Sister Act was filmed. I think I may die of happiness.

3. Studio Audience:
I was in the studio audience for The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. 'Who?' you ask. He was the boss in The Drew Carey Show! 'The Drew Carey what?' Never mind, it's a sitcom. You know how I like my sitcoms. He was also in a film called The Big Tease, he was a hairdresser or something. 'Never saw it'. Oh jeez, ok well anyway it's a chat show and they had Eddie Izzard and Dominic Monahan on as guests! I was very excited as I had a BIG crush on Mr Izzard when I was 17. He is really short. I always thought he was tall and burly but he's not. Weird.

4. Universal Studios:
Ron Howard followed us around all day. Seriously, he talks to you on the Studio Lot tour and on the Backdraft ride and, and... well, that was it but still. It was a bit freaky. I used to have no strong feelings for Ron Howard but now I hate him. If I never see him again it'll be too soon. Except for when watching Happy Days. Obviously.

5. Mel's Drive In:
Apparently it's a 'Celebrity Bar' but looked more like a classic 50's diner to me. I think I saw Jack Osbourne, (so it's definately not a celebrity bar then). (ba-da-boom-tish). You'll never guess whose picture was on the menu's (just a small one in the corner but it counts), yes, that Ron freakin' Howard. I thought I told you I never wanted to see you again HOWARD!

6. Storm from X-Men:
There are loads of people who dress up as movie characters outside Grauman's Chinese Theatre. One of these was Storm, she had a lot more cellulite than I remember her having in the film.

7. Venice Beach:
They had proper Mitch from Baywatch red shorts and red floating things and little huts! Wowzer. There were four surfer boys we came across who were surely parodies of themselves; 'Dude, you should see Cosman's seriously gnarly home video of sharks! Totally rad!' etc etc

8. Steve Carrel (aka Brick Tamland):
He's in a new movie called The 40-Year-Old Virgin about, err.. a 40-Year-Old Virgin I presume. His smiling golden face gives me a warm glow inside.

9. Radio Station:
Found the coolest radio station which plays 'good good good, good time oldies' (sung to the tune of Good Vibrations). It has a heavy rotation of Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin and Neil Diamond so it's alright by me. Did you know Neil is some sort of white witch and puts magic in his songs? That's why you always feel good after listening to them. That's true because someone told me it.

10. Star Tours:
Went on a super tacky tour of all the star's homes. I saw the Fresh Prince of Bel Air's house! You know, where he pulled up to the house about seven or eight and yelled to cabbie yo hommie smell you later. And where you saw Jazzy Jeff getting the ol' heave-ho! It's really in Bel Air folks (though the tour guide said the actual show was filmed elsewhere but I refuse to believe that). I also saw Neil Diamond's house, woop! AND I saw Colin Farrell eating lunch in a posh restaurant. I think.

New York
I have a confession I didn't get a chance to write much in New York because there was so much to see and do and I was knackered every time I got back to hotel (the 3 hour time diffference from Californai slayed me, yet I wasn't affected in the other direction) but highlights included:
  • The Statue of Liberty, which was bigger than I thought.
  • Ground Zero which was really sad and kind of eerie. Its just a construction site at the moment but everyone around it was really quiet and respectful. It feels like a tragic place. I was surprised by how affected I was and how much the images of what happened are imprinted on my brain.
  • The Empire State building which has incredible views and the city and beyond.
  • Central Park which is MASSIVE. You don't feel like you are in the middle of a big city until you get to one of the edges and see skyscrapers
  • Bloomingdales and Macys are the department stores of my dreams! I preferred the littler (cheaper) shops in Greenwich Village though.
All in all, it's amazing. I want to live there and be a writer and eat bagels all day. Walked half of Manhatten island in one day. As it was my first time in New York I think that was the best way of doing it cos you get a real feel for the city. It's so clean and felt much safer than London.

The Aftermath
I'm definately going back to San Fran and NY one day. It's made me determined to do the American road trip I've always talked about but instead of having just a pipe dream now it's something I'm actively going to plan for, probably for when I finish my degree. However, it's nice to be home. I missed crumpets and tea and my dogs.

Saturday, 16 July 2005

I'm ok being unimpressive, I sleep better that way

I'm off to Californ-i-a tomorrow! 'w00t' or 'book' as the trendy youngsters are saying nowadays.
I shall be spending a week in San Francisco where I lived for a bit when I was little. The only thing I can remember is being in an earthquake, which quite literally rocked. HAHAHA! do you see what I did there? Sometimes I surprise even myself with my comedy skills!


Then I'll be moving on to L.A. where I expect Zach Braff will see me buying a tall skinny Chai Tea Latte in Starbucks and ask me to move in with him. Maybe.Of course, my time in L.A. will give me a chance to recruit some of the contestants for Kes's Celebrity Crushes gameshow (where her celeb crushes have to battle it out each week to win her affections). It's in the pre-preprodcution stages at the mo but I'm fairly certain it's going to be a big hit. You may be wondering why it's not Sazz's Celebrity Crushes. 'Why isn't going to be Sazz's Celeb Crushes' I hear you cry. Well I'm, quite frankly, not as likeable as Kes. Perhaps she can draw the viewers in for the first season and then once they're hooked we will hit them with me in the second season. I need to think about this a bit more.

Then, its off to Noo York where I will eat Bagels and embarrass myself and the people I am with by talking in a bad NY accent and throwing as much Yiddish as I know into the conversation (which mostly consists of 'schmuck' and 'mensch' and err... ). I'm sure to fit right in.

Anyhoo, that's a long and boring way of saying I won't be here for a while. TRY NOT TO CRY WITHOUT ME. I have to pack now. Wish me luck, a couple of days spent in Cardiff and a weekend in Amsterdam recently required full suitcases on both occasions. How am I going to restain myself to not take my whole wardrobe for 3 weeks spent away? I don't think a career as a travelling minstrel would last very long as I would have to employ a multitude of lackeys to carry all my stuff around, the overheads would get too big and the whole project would be doomed from the get-go. At least that means I can cross another potential career off the list. Now it's down to 63. Hoorah!

Friday, 15 July 2005

Yin and Yang

Why I Am Rubbish:
1. I can't cut onions. Literally, it's not that they make me cry or anything sappy it's just that I physically cannot cut them up in a satisfactory way (even though I've been cookin' like a pro since the age of 12).
2. I have weird sneezes that sound like a cat (although some people seem to find this endering).
3. I have to make a thousand to-do lists everyday because I forget stuff so easily.
4. I lose contact with friends as regularly as some people have showers.
5. I am clumsy to the point of incompetance and embarrass myself on a daily basis.

Why I Rock:
1. I can talk to anyone and find common ground. For instance, a random man in a random pub in Cardiff who happened to randomly comment that Sister Act 2 was his favourite film. Who else but me would wholeheartedly concur that it is brilliant?
2. I have a rotation of 'shower songs'. Today's song is 'Shout' by Lulu.
3. I fall in love at least two times a day for reasons such as 'he had customised his shoes with felt lovehearts'
4. Babies stare at my face constantly and consistantly wherever I go. I'm not entirely sure that it's a good thing (and it kind of freaks me out) but I do enjoy being this century's version of the Pied Piper (not the 'Lovin' it lovin' it lovin' it' DJ Pied Piper. The fairytale Pied Piper).
5. I have a life B-Plan in case this one falls through for whatever reason (e.g. I become embroiled in a Russian spy plot or something). It involes me changing my name to Doris Kapowlski and moving to Chicago to be a sassy diner waitress.

I think this is conclusive proof that the universe naturally balances itself to make sure I (and everyone else) never tip the scales of rubbishness and rockingness too far in either direction. Otherwise there would be chaos and anarchy, and who wants that? Except for anarchists.

Thursday, 14 July 2005

I have no idea what to put as a title

Why do I like so many movies?! I'm trying to update my blog so that I write a bit about all the stuff I like and have reached the conclusion that I like too much stuff. Why can't I be more like Jordan or Jodie Marsh? They just like exposing themselves.

I am becoming quite adept at what my brother calls 'amber gambling' (when you go through traffic lights when it is still amber). Howver, his assertion that 'an amber gambler never loses' surely is wrong on two levels; firstly, if you never lose then it's NOT gambling, and secondly, what about when the police catch you and throw you in prison never to be seen again? I would take that as losing. Something for you all to think about there.

Tuesday, 12 July 2005


And the three spin offs from Happy Days are...
*trumpet intro*
1. Jonie Loves Chachi
2. Laverne and Shirley
3. Mork and Mindy

No-one believes me about the third one but I have since verified it on tinternet so KNOW IT BE TRUE!

I have literally done N-O-T-H-I-N-G today. My biggest acheivement was making it all the way to the newsagents to buy Heat. When you consider that to be an acheievement it is time to start reassessing your life. However, this week they published the results of their 'Weird Celebrity Crushes' poll and my super-secret-I-love-him-but-I-don't-know-why crush is at numero uno... Mr Richard Hammond. Finding that I'm not the only one embroiled in a so-wrong-but-it-feels-so-right love affair with the little sacastic man was worth the £1.55 Heat fee alone.

Go team me.

Monday, 11 July 2005

Happy Days spin offs

I have spent the last few days in sunny Cardiff. It was tres groovy 'cept for Saturday night when it became Hen and Stag night central. If I never see another overweight woman baring as much white flesh as current laws will allow (i.e. a LOT) while snogging a man wearing a Ben Sherman shirt and sporting a wispy moustache it will be too soon.

I think I live quite a sheltered indie-kid life. Portsmouth isn't exactly superbuff hotties cool dude central but if you know where to go and resolutely stick to those places then you don't have to experience the terrors of the townie/chav existance.

On the up side I got to see places where Doctor Who was filmed
Me: 'Oh yeah, I remember that bit! That's the church they were in the episode where Rose saved her Dad's life!'
'Oh yeah, that's where the rift opened up and they caught the last Slitheen!'
'Oh yeah, thats the department store where Rose worked! Cool!'
Kes: 'Is this the grand Doctor Who tour or something? I don't remember signing up to that'

On my return I found out that I am da shizzle when it comes to sitcoms. For anyone that wants to know what the 3 spin-offs from Happy Days are tune in tomorow but one of them is NOT Charles in Charge as Kes thought.

That is all.

Thursday, 7 July 2005

Why I love children

Today was my last official day working as an art technician in a secondary school. We took all the Year 7's and 8's on a trip to the Natural History Museum and saw (amongst other things) the earth works, the insectorium, the human biology exibit and the dinosaur display. When I asked my group what their favourite part of the day had been most of them answered 'lunch' and a few rare souls replied 'the gift shop'. Kids are awesome.

When I got home my brother had organised a 'parade' in my honour. This consisted of him holding a piece of A4 paper that read 'Go' and another piece of A4 paper that read 'Saz'. He then 'do-do-doo-ed' a song for me. That too was awesome.

Maybe the world doesn't suck as hard as my misanthropic outlook would have me believe.

Tuesday, 5 July 2005


Went out for lunch with my brother today. We ran some errands and a couple of hours later got back home and discovered we had been wearing the same belt. We must have looked like goons. I'm never showing my face outside again. Seriously, thats a heinous fashion crime...

The World: 'Why have you two got the same belt on?'
Us: 'Well, a while ago we ended up buying the same belt cos we both liked the belt. We bought the belt in seperate shopping excursions from each other. It wasn't a conscious desicion, and it just so happened that today we were both wearing outfits that went with this belt'
The World: 'You look like idiots'
Us: '...'

Good grief.

Monday, 4 July 2005

Life Lessons

Another day, another life lesson learned from TV's 'Judging Amy'. In case you're interested Lesson #563 was that you can't always judge (ha!) a book by its cover. Wait, isn't that the same as Lesson 's #1 through #562? I'd also take issue with that particular cliché as I've read many books over the years that I have loved purely on the strength of how awesome their cover is. So put that in your pipe and smoke it Amy. If indeed that is your real name.

I also spent an hour or two pondering who is the world's greatest TV crime solver? I eventually settled on Mark Sloan in Diagnosis Murder but it was a close run thing between him and the no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners gardening duo that is Rosemary and Thyme.

I think I need a job.

Sunday, 3 July 2005

Live 8

When my future children ask me 'where were you for Live 8 mummy?' I will be able to answer with dignity; 'At home with a bad cold, a tub of low-fat mint choc chip ice cream and nothing but repeats of Sabrina the Teenage Witch to keep me company. Yes my children it truly WAS a historic occasion in my life.' They'll look at me with bright, shining eyes and I will know that once again I have exceeded myself in making them proud.