Tuesday 15 November 2005

Note to self, RE: Being the Fonz. Mark - You are NOT the Fonz

So, moustaches appear to be back in fashion. When did that happen? I must have missed that memo - I'm sure I would have remembered something like that as I would have gotten together a little parade of some sort or at least punched the air and yelled 'Yes!' as a character from an American advertisment for Ritallin might.

It's like the world is full of variously different shaped Magnum P.I's. Which can only be a good thing. The Selleck was probably one of my first genuine crushes. I'm sure every 8-year-old girl has had a love affair with a moustachioed rebel who wears Hawaiian shirts and likes to annoy English man-servents. Actually, if they did then those 'moustachioed rebels' would be in prison but you know what I mean. I hope.

Of course my fictious alias Bunny Diamond P.I. had a, well... some may say flirtatious relationship with 'The Magnum'. They were in fierce competition but, as many of you will know, there's a fine line between love and hate. She couldn't resist his car, he couldn't resist her high-waisted flared trousers. Of course this never happened in anywhere except my head. My head rocks - cheaper than a tv and with slightly better sound quality. Yay head!

I've updated my picture - I had to as I was starting to get a rep as the 'wacky hat' girl. Now... I did have a hat theory which i guess is now 'hat fact' about how if I started wearing an interesting hat people would start to know me as 'the girl who wears that weird hat' and then I would be famous throughout the land.The theory doesn't just apply to hats tho - oh no! Examples of people who are known for their odd characteristics in my town include: the woman with the awful curly fake blond hair that works in t'local shopping centre, or the white guy with the afro who is always at gigs, or the 'flip-flop gang' who always wear flip-flops no matter what the weather. The theory states that you will become more famous and popular and that it saves time on developing an actual personality. Why not try it yourself as Neil Buchanan might say. He's the one out of Art Attack innit?

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