Monday 24 October 2005

I think I love McFly. Seriously.

Well I haven't posted in a while.. I expect all my hundreds, well, dozens... well, one fan have missed me! (Or not...)

I spent a lost weekend in Birmingham last week. It was awesome. Drank too much, made some drunken revelations that I probably should have kept quiet about. Went to a place called 'Moseley Dance Centre'. It seemed to be an old school hall and had plastic chairs lining the walls with a picnic table at the back selling cheap cans of Red Stripe - a lager that I'm fairly sure its also quite suitable as a drain unblocker. What I enjoyed more than the drain unblocking drink on sale was the eclectic clientele. Well-dressed 60-something year old Jamaican men dancing next to chav-ish types in football shirts stood next to grungers in Led Zeppelin tee's who were chatting up 16-year-olds in Lycra mini skirts. It was great. And once again I pulled off some pretty snazzy ironic dance moves. I also have added 'the running man' to my repertoire.

I then went on an epic Mordor style adventure to IKEA. Yes. IKEA. The nearest one to me is in Croydon which only took an hour to get to, however once in Croydon it took a further hour to reach said IKEA store. Me and road signs don't get on. I'm fairly sure they're controlled by the pigeons (who I have a long running feud with). Still, it was worth it... got a red cord chair (mmm cord) and various other cheap nicknack's. However, the one bit they missed in LOTR is the epic journey BACK home (well Mr Tolkein might have included it, if its somewhere near the back I probably got distracted. I have a very short attention span being part of the 'MTV generation' n all).

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