Wednesday 5 October 2005

What's wrong with a bit of destruction?

It was my birthday! Yay! And in a surprising turn of events it didn't completely suck! Yay!

Let me take a moment to explain what normally happens on my birthdays - I end up completely miserable.

This is normally something to do with boys and boys being rubbish. But THIS birthday was... fun! Ending up in a cheesy club lacking in chavs and posers that played predictable dancefloor indie hits - yay! Seeing a man in a black polo neck and a medallion - yay! Falling in love with a boy in a red jumper with pointy white shoes, but who was too drunk for conversation or anything else for that matter - boo! Doing my Mick Jagger impression and the robot on the squishy dancefloor - yay!

Which gives an overall total of 3 yay's to one boo. That has to be a record.

Oh and a special shout out to the man who said 'bye titty lady!' as I started walking home. I'm not quite sure what he thought this comment was going to do as I had already spurned his advances earlier in the night. Maybe it was observational comedy? Yes, I am a 'lady' and yes I have 'breasts'. Why sir, you could be the next Jerry Seinfeld! To any boys who think that that might work as a desperate pulling attempt at the end of the night... don't. Just... don't. Well it might work - but probably not on anyone that you would want to admit to pulling the morning after.

Today I got the biggest laughs in my creative writing class for my short story - it was about a dead hamster. Sick bastards.

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