Thursday 27 April 2006

How to make a Sazz not be happy

Today hasnt been a good day.

- I was told by one of my uni lecturers that I need to be model myself more on Lucozade. (I'm paraphrasing - he said 'fizz with energy'). Thing is, I hate people that get enthusiastic and excited by every little thing. They just seem stupid. If he wants me to start talking! with! exclamation! points! after! every! word! then he's going to have to hook me up with lots of cheap speed. I didn't say that at the time. Wish I had.

- I nearly fell asleep after work. Trouble is I was on the M3 at the time. Driving. These things in combination do not a good experience make.

- Someone found my amazing! blog! with the search 'lorraine kelly cleavage pics'. I feel sick. (although if you read my latest entry you'll see thats not the worst search anyone has ever done on the internet). When did my site become synonymous with soft porn and C-List celebs? Cos whatever point in time that DID happen, I'd like to go back and change it. Does anyone have a DeLorian handy?

- One of my best friends liked (and in the case of Kel sort of loved) KENAN AND KEL. I feel like I never really knew her at all. Gaz, if you read this.. do you remeber when we went to Reading and you kept doing the 'who likes orange soda?!' thing about 50 times in a row as well as singing the only fools and horses theme tune constantly? You're probably one of the most irritating people on the planet. After my good self of course.

Anyways, just thought I'd share

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