Wednesday 5 April 2006

I dont want to miss out on anything, at the same time I feel the need to retreat

Misanthropy is a general dislike of the human race. It is not dislike of individual human beings, but rather dislike of the features shared by all humanity throughout place and time, including oneself. A misanthrope is thus a person who exhibits a general dislike of humankind.
The above seems apt right about now.
I only ever see the same episode of Top Gear on UKGold 2. I'm starting to think there's some sort of conspiracy (but when do you ever get irrationally paranoid Sazz I hear you cry. The answer is 'never'. All my paranoia is valid and righteous. You should know that by now). Its the one where Jeremy races a... I was going to say what sort of car but I really have no idea.. that, you know, posh fast car..with The May and Hammond who are on public transport. Clarkson wins. Clarkson always wins. That's just who he is. Of course, I enjoy the episode and OF COURSE I always watch it - theres quite a bit of classic bantering between Jezzer and Richie, this is something I can't turn my back on - but really, after the 57th viewing it starts to lose some of its sparkle. Shocking, I know, but sadly true.
However, I am mainly obsessed (to the point where I hadnt actually left the house on indulged in person-to-person conversation for four days - until last night) with two shows that may, JUST MAY, on the surface look like cheeze teen rubbish. The first is 'Veronica Mars'. This is about a teenage girl detective who is quite hot. However, it's actually a lot more subversive and dark than the initial description might suggest. The first season dealt with murder, isolation, rape and incest. YEAH I KNOW! Saved By The Bell never dealt with shit like that! Even during 'The College Years'.

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