Monday 13 February 2006

Learning more and more about less and less and less

I've been feeling quite uninspired by all things life-lead at the moment. It appears the January blues have given way to the February blues but today I've found myself getting irrationally angry at pointless things which is a good sign that I'm getting back to full Sazz-Power. I have also been making 'to-do' lists which is another mark in the good column (the only reason I'm typing and badly spelling this now is so I can tick it off the list. Ahhh lists you make my life ordered and simple. Sweet sweet order and simplicity).
Well, in honour of this I am going to list all the things that I have been getting irrationally angry about:
1) CHANTELLE HAS A NEW SHOW! That dumb bint from Big Brother who is famous for not being famous and is one of the stoopiest people ever to show their ugly-peroxided-badly-done-hair-extentions on tv has managed to snag her boyfriend-stealing ass yet ANOTHER television show to show us all just how unfailingly hideous she actually is. Gah. Girls like that should NOT end up with boys who have rockabilly tattoos. Its sick and wrong. To perpetuate her so called 'celebrity' is enough to make me hulk up here and now.
2) Valentines Day! I'm not even sure what my beef here is (apart from the fact that I'm so single it hurts) but I DO know when I went to get my mama and papa mikey an anniversery card all the ugly people crowding round the (way too) VASTLY EXTENDED Valentines section made me want to shoot things. Particularly the young gentlemen (nearly all of them were guys aged 17-18) who were picking up cards with pictures of kittens and puppies and NOT LAUGHING BUT TAKING THEM TO THE CASH DESK AND HANDING OVER MONEY FOR IT! WITHOUT ANY HINT OF IRONY! I'm not sure why or how but it made me really really mad. I guess anything done without irony that deserves a dollop of irony makes me mad. Added to the fact that I'm bitter and evil and will end up alone with only my snow globe and ceramic cats (I'm allergic to the real thing) collection to keep me company may well hold the key for the basis of a lot of my anger.
3) Paying money for a cup of coffee and then positioning it in the cup holder in my car and then it spilling EVERYWHERE when I took a corner a little innsy weensy too fast! I'm not sure who I have to blame here except myself and/or corners in roads but what is the point of a cup holder if IT DOES NOT HOLD YOUR CUP?! On the up side... my car now smells all lovely and coffee-ey as opposed to smelling like feet.
4) SIMON AND MIQUITA HAVE LEFT POPWORLD! I might as well kill myself now.
Thats all for now... I may add to this throughout the day tomorrow. Depends how many stupid people try and talk to me.

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