Wednesday 8 March 2006

Suddenly you find you're out there, walking in a storm

I just spent nearly an hour playing solitaire. Not even Spider Solitaire, just the regular kind. I think I've got OCD combined with procrastinationitus. I couldn't stop playing until I had completed three games in a row, then it was three games in a row under 100 seconds and so on, etc, ad infinitum. All this in a effort to avoid doing my dissertation proposals which have to be in by March 17th. Oh March the 17th I grinned to myself, when we were given the deadline, why that is indeed a whole yonk away. I even chuckled a bit. Not so much as to get the old shoulder shaking action going, but just enough as to make it clear to those around me that I did laugh in the face of deadlines and they would just have to accept that. It's who I am, it's what I do. Very much like a modern day Fonz in that respect.
However now we find ourselves on this day, the 8th of the month and it seems to be getting a little close to the wire (espeically for a little social butterfly like myself). It also doesn't help that I spend an inordinate amount of time on MSN having conversations about how the little brother in Clarissa Explains It All was a concoction of Ron Howard and Carlton from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Unconvinced?
Ron Howard

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+ Carlton Image hosting by Photobucket

= FERGUSON Image hosting by Photobucket

Now thats what I'm talkin' 'bout.

I have developed an obsession with Neil Diamond. I've always liked him but I spent another hour yesterday looking for Neil Diamond tee shirts in an effort to prove my devotion. Neil Diamond love and having panic attacks when a deadline is a week away might lead one to the conclusion that maybe I'm not really like a modern day Fonz after all. :(

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