Sunday 4 December 2005

'Theres no point trimming the borders when there's no-one to tend to my flower garden' Wah-de-Wah (2005)

Its been too long. Much too long. How I have missed the peach and white and yellow and greens backdrop. How I have yearned for yattering on about nothing in particular to a bunch of strangers. I think its slightly worrying that I've missed my blog but I've been traversing the country. Yes Sazz Land went on tour! Field and fountain, moor and mountain following yonder star, taking in the sights and sounds of places as diverse as WEYBRIDGE ... and... BRIGHTON ... and MANCHESTER ..and... well that was it actually.

I am pleased to report that Weybridge is pigeon-free, the pigeons in Brighton kept themselves to themselves but the ones in Manchester! They attacked me approx. seventy-eight times (I counted - give or take). Evil pigeons with their grey feathers and pecky beaks and cold dead eyes. *shivers* Now I have to weigh up the pigeonosity of Manchester against the burly-scruffy-beardedness of the men. Its a tough one.

New catchphrase = 'have a day off!'. That has taken over 'you're having a tin bath aint ya?!' I love collecting new catchphrases. If any of my many, many readers have catchphrases they'd like to share (Nic) then feel free. My brother didn't dissappoint when in Manchester sticking to his ol faithful 'your mum' jokes.

I have a MySpace. I know, I know... how emo can one person get and still retain a shread of dignity? Well its a fine line I'm walking here but I think I'm JUST managing to stay on the side of righteousness.

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