Thursday 8 December 2005

You know The Flintstones is only partly based on fact?

Space Cadets - What a hulabaloo. At first I didn't really give a rats ass about it. Ooh... you're tricking people... thats... well... meh. But then I thought. 'I like the word hulabaloo, who's to say I won't like a show thats caused a hulabaloo?'

Then I started singing 'My Humps' by Black Eyed Peas in my head and punched myself in the face repeatedly to try and drown out the noise. It worked. For about five minutes. And now I've started singing it again... excuse me one second...

I'm back and my nose is bleeding. But thats neither here nor there.

So anyway, SPACE CADETS. Yeah... I think the reason I didn't want to watch this show was due to the fact that if I were a contestant (although I never would be. I think they advertised for 'thrill seekers', the 'thrills' I 'seek' are rarely more than three feet away from the sofa.. well maybe twenty feet - I sometimes make it as far as the toaster) I know I would be one of the munters that gets sucked in by it. This is down to two main factors:

a) I'm very gullible, and

b) I'm not very bright

However, I felt better when reading about the show as the producers said that gullible people are ususally very intelligent but just creative and imaginative. Throw in super-humanly cool and thats so totally me. I went around with an ever so slightly smug supercilious grin for about five days believing that all these years when I thought I was just a dumbass falling for all the ridiculous things people have told me that I'm ACTUALLY very intelligent and creative and imaginative. In your face teh Brother! That was until one of the contestants said this...

"Space is like Chessington World of Adventures times 10,000!"


Well, being a dumbass does have it's advantages. Mainly; people don't expect too much from you, and oftentimes speak very slowly and clearly so as to make sure you understand everything they say. I still don't listen when people tell me stuff I think is boring but it's nice to know you can ask people to repeat themselves 'cos it's not my fault, I'm just slow'.

I may be stupid but at least I'm upbeat. Most stupid people are. Well, you see them hugging each other alot. I assume that makes them upbeat?

Also.. One of the actors (the commander dude) has got a moustache! WHAT DID I TELL THEE! Moustaches are back back back.. I think they're in the Up/Hot section of Heat this week and I have it on good authority that next months edition of Vogue has a whole spread on moustaches and moustache-based accessories. Awesome.

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