Monday 1 May 2006

Sazz enjoys the Bank Holiday and practises sighing elaborately

11:06 - 'Better get up' Sazz thought. 'That glorious sunshine isn't going to be around all day'.
12:43 - 'What a beautiful day', Sazz noted to herself merrily as she turned back to the TV to continue watching Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
13:56 - 'It looks lovely and warm out there' she said, whilst organising the shoes in her closet (one of her favouriest things to do as it combined both her obsessive complusive nature with her love of looking at pretty things - in this case, footware).
14:30 - Sazz realised she was still wearing a pair of shoes from earlier just because she liked the way they went with her outfit. She realised that being in the house alone probably wasn't the best venue to show them off if only she could see them.
14:59 - Sazz reluctunatly removes the shoes.
15:02 - But takes a picture first.
16:06 - Afternoon nap
17:40 - Sazz goes over the last week she has lived in her head and sighs elaborately. Looks out of window, again, taking in the full splendor of the sunshine. Turns back to computer screen to have various important and life changing MSN conversations; including, how Batman and Robin would make rubbish friends in real life (Batman is vain, Robin is lazy and a bad dresser).
18:17 - Dinner. If ice cream wafers and dairylea count as 'dinner' these days.
18:57 - After dinner nap
20:01 - Sazz takes stock of life to figure out where it's all going wrong. Decides that sounds too much like hard work. Blogs and plays Burnout instead.
And that people, is what Bank Holiday's are all about. Having the time to do the things you normally don't have time to do.

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