Monday 5 June 2006

How many times can you legitimately use the phrase 'curmudgeonly misanthrope' in one day?

I went dancing Saturday night, it's been an age since I last had a dance party. Sometime after the third G&T and before the second Malibu and Diet Coke I did some pretty special moves to Prince and The Futureheads. A man in a straw hat tried to dance up to me but I pretended I hadn't seen him. He was wearing a straw hat. I couldn't cope with that sort of fashion statement in the condition I was in. But anyway... out late, a little tipsy perhaps, so what do you want to do the next day? Thats right, sleep in till 12pm and then stay in bed eating cold rice pudding out of the can and have someone bring you copious amounts of tea. But no. Instead I was dragged kicking and screaming out of bed at 9am IN THE MORNING. ON A SUNDAY. to go and 'support' my mum who had voluteered to do this marathon thing. Which meant driving to Gosport (which always gives me bad vibes as I associate it with driving tests) and getting a ferry to Portsmouth and then walking 28 miles (there may be a slight exageration somewhere in that sentence) from the ferry port to Southsea common IN THE SUNSHINE. Which wasn't helping the dehydration I was experiencing. Of course I was playing the part of the grumpy misanthrope purely for comic effect but as with all actor's, my committment to the role convinced everone around me that I really am a stellar bitch. No really, it was for the comedy. In the end though, after I'd had an Orange Ribeana, two cups of tea and a chocolate digestive the day ended up being quite nice. I had a lovely sleep in the park (although that meant I got in trouble for not being at the finishing line, some people are never satisfied), then came home and had an epic nap with E!Entertainment channel in the background which lead to some very interesting celebrity lead dreams. Although I prefer the dreams I have when the History Channel is on as I normally end up being some sort of 'olden days' Queen in a castle. Which, I think we all know, if life was just and fair that'd be my job anyway.

Oh yeah, I saw The Da Vinci Code. My four word review: Nice idea, poorly executed.

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