Saturday 13 August 2005

Who loves orange soda?

People at my new job scare me. Well, everyone who is my age-ish scares me. All the boys have the same hair, its kind of sticky uppy bordering on mullet-y. Some have highlights. This sort of thing scares me. All the girls look like they have been rooting around in Oxfam after Sienna Miller has dropped off a bag of her cast offs. This sort of thing scares me.

I know I sound like a total snob but its not what they all look like or choose to wear, it's that they have chosen to copy each other. I tend to freak out when I feel like I'm in a remake of Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (but then, I also get scared when I see gaggles of geese strutting around the place. I may not be the best judge of when it is, or is not, appropriate to be scared). Let's just say that I don't think my new job will be the place to find a delightful young man who reads books (as opposed to FHM or Nuts), listens to The Smiths and enjoys witty repartee. It's just a hunch.

In other news, my brother's mate is staying with us before he emigrates to Australia next month. He's a nice enough lad but he's already tried to use the tv remote to mute me. Why does everyone that stays in my house for more than a week attempt to use a tv remote to mute me?! I thought that people liked incessent chatter? Oh they don't? That would explain a LOT...

And finally, here's proof if further proof were needed of how cool I really am:
1. I went to see Herbie: Fully Loaded this afternoon. By myself. I was surrounded by 13-year-olds but my girl crush on Lidsey Lohan is too strong to ignore. Plus it had that geeky kid from Jeepers Creepers and Dodgeball. I love geeky boys.
2. I am doing an online murder mystery game based around a fake pop star's death. Yes really. Here's the link... Don't worry. It has been pointed out to me that I am one step away from becoming the sort of individual that plays Dungeons and Dragons. That would be one step too far even for me. No offence anyone but... well, really.

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