Wednesday 31 August 2005

It's always better on holiday

Err.. yeah... sorry Nic, I could pretend that I am some amazing philosopher making a point on life with an existential/nihilist double whammy statement but that would be lies. All lies. Just looks like the text I pasted in didn't save. Ho-hum. I was impressed the amount of work you put in to discover what the 'Rock Cabana' reference was about but, in truth, it is the name of a man whose ID I had to revoke yesterday. I thought it was possibly the coolest name ON THE PLANET. Who would have thought that a kid given the name 'Rock' would grow up to be a middle manager in Ohio? Or maybe the professional wrestler decided that the career change to actor wasn't working out so got an Office Drone job instead? I don't think The Scorpion King did very well at the box office so I feel fairly confident that this is indeed the case.

I've found another way of procrastinating, writing post-it's that are essentially nonsense and posting them around people's desks so they'll think they've forgotten something very important. For example,

'Call NA 29th aug confirm meeting'

'Get JN arrange "discussion of tasks" by 30th aug. V Imp!!!'

I have to be careful not to let anyone see that it's me doing it but my plan is to say it's part of an integrated art installation if anyone does cotton on. I'm such a freakin legend. All this 'finding-ways-to-skive-work' lark is leaving very little time to actually DO some work. But it's too late to change my work ethic now. Unless anyone has a DeLorean to hand?

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