Tuesday 22 August 2006

A new low

You know how when I say 'there's this amazing show about a teenage girl detective' or 'there's this amazing show about a teenage girl and her mum who got pregnant at 16' and immediately you switch off because those descriptions bring to mind the sort of programme that you imagine to be as if Hello Kitty puked up a television script? Yes? Right? Ok well, let me tell you about the worst show on TV. It's called '7th Heaven'. It's about a preacher, his wife and their seven children (DO YOU SEE WHAT THEY DID THERE?). All the conclusions you just came to about how dreadful this programme is? They are correct.

I'm obsessed with it. I've never seen something that is so consistantly bad. The acting = diabolical, the plots = laughable, the preaching (I know it's a show about a preacher but COME ON!) = insulting... e.g. if you have sex before marriage then you will (no ifs or buts about it) end up pregnant or riddled with 'STDs' and ruin your life forever and ever amen; women should always bow to their husbands demands - but then women aren't intelligent enough to think for themselves anyway; if you don't think you can look after you're child because you're too young and naive to do so then so the fuck what? Nothing is as sinful as giving that child up for adoption and possibly allowing the child a chance at a better start in life; Doctor's should never ever ever tell a patient how long they think s/he has to live - only God has that information... etc etc ad infinitum. It's like, you know how George Bush is the worst example of stupid and lazy Republicans? Well, imagine they created a show populated by characters entirely like that. One dimensional and unable to deliver a sentence without looking slightly confused at words over a three syllable limit. I am morbidly fascinated with this programme. And then I feel gut wrenchingly sad that it's about to enter it's eleventh 'season' and regularly gets 12 million plus viewers. I can't imagine that they are all like me and watch it cos they hate it. Sad, sad, sad.

Reasons not to be sad:
- I got a new laptop. With like, bundles of memory and a CD/DVD Burner drive and like, sooper smart sharp screen and wireless built in and-intel-something-cool processor and all that shit. Only problems so far: I JUST THIS SECOND worked out where the Caps Lock is. I've been using THE SHIFT KEY UP TILL NOW. So I appologise for the EXCESSIVE USE OF CAPS. IM JUST EXCITED OK? Still havent worked out how to get sound. I know sound is theorectically possible but is proving to be, thus far, elusive.
- I'm going on a road trip tomorrow with my*snaps fingers* homegiiiirl Charlotte.
- I now have leopard print leggings, cardigan, bag and shoes. The transition to Pat Butcher-dom is nearly complete.

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