Thursday 15 September 2005

Winslow's invitation is in the mail

I've *actually* been busy at work!! Busy at work DOING WORK!!! I know, I was as surprised as anyone but thats why I haven't been able to regale the world with my tales of goon-dom for the past few days.

I'm also starting to get concerned that people actually read this. I've had a couple of real-life people that I know in my real life tell me that they've read this now and their tone was only slightly mocking when they mentioned it. Which is fine except... people ACTUALLY READ THIS. PEOPLE THAT I KNOW! So... I'm starting to feel slightly self-conscious about the whole enterprise of blogging.

I guess anyone that knows me - if only in passing - knows that I'm a bit of a idiot. It's all part of my quirky charm.

Well, I think I've been drunk most of today. It was 'The Brother's' birthday yesterday and Sazz might have gone a little overboard where the vino rouge was concerned...

I'm fairly sure that a hangover is hitting me only now, although for the major part of the day I've felt like I'm leaning ever so slightly to the left, almost to the point of toppling over. Even when I'm sat down. It's disconcerting to say the least.

I don't think I'm a drunkard and yet life keeps giving clues that would indicate otherwise.

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