Monday 4 September 2006

A pocket full of post-its

Things I will miss now I'm back to The Ford:
TV: It's my car, my rules. That means no kissing the driver.
Me: We should have implemented that rule on our road trip.
Charlotte: But then we wouldn't have had nearly as much fun.
Ahh faux-lesbian humour, you really can't be beat (although on reflection we might be getting a step nearer to establishing why her boyfriend hates my guts. I also left town with a pocket full of post-its thanks to that lil lady. She knows her to treat a girl that one.
Me: Guess what I got from Brighton?
Brother: Syphallis?
That kind of wacky banter is what makes my brother the legend he is.
Kes: Do you think Prince has a big cock?
Me: I really don't know
Kes: Well find out and report back. I'm curious.
Oh Farr. Her philosophical queries keep me entertained no end.
How you know a Sazz has moved into your house:
  • Ikea rugs mysteriously turn up in places where there had been no Ikea rugs there before
  • Sabrina the Teenage Witch magnets are used to decorate your fridge
  • You have someone who lives in their own world to sneak up on and scare the living crap out of

Being back at university was cool. I sat in the second row for both my lectures today as I didn't want to appear *too* geeky. Not on the first day.

Uni Crush Count (thus far): 2 (liable to increase exponentially as the term goes on)
- A guy who came up to me and mistook me for someone else. When asked 'Are you Sally?' I wish I had said 'I can be' rather than just saying 'No'
- One of my lecturers. I don't get him (as it were) till the second semester. He dresses like Jeremy Clarkson. I think it might be love this time.

I'm very upset about Steve Irwin. The man was awesome and very very weird. At least he died doing what he loved and getting stabbed through the heart by a stringray is probably one of the coolest deaths on record.

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